I am running to be a strong progressive voice for Seattle’s fourth City Council district. I know that people do better when they have a living wage, safe and affordable transportation, a roof over their heads, and access to healthcare and education for themselves and their family.
Scientist: After years of researching Parkinson’s disease, I have decided that I can make the biggest contribution to society by running for office. From community college to my PhD program, all of my education has been at public institutions. I know through my own experience & from those I’ve mentored that we have to support expanded programs for early and higher education to reduce inequality. I will bring my belief in evidence-based policy to city hall to propose and implement programs which center human rights.

Union Organizer: As an executive board member of UAW4121 and a delegate to the King County Labor Council, I have experience fighting for workers to create a safer, more equitable workplace and better paying jobs. As a City Councilmember, I will support collective action of workers in all sectors in their fight for better working conditions and stronger contracts.
Activist: As a leading voice in the #metooSTEM movement, I have fought sexual harassment in academia and built coalitions to empower women and gender minorities. From helping found the Seattle chapter of 500 Women Scientists to speaking truth to power within my own workplace, I’ve found opportunities to fight for equity in science and to get scientists engaged in collective action. I’ll bring this experience to city hall to make sure that the voices of the marginalized and minoritized people in our district are heard and amplified.
Renter: I am deeply committed to bringing more affordable housing to Seattleites of all income levels. My own experience, from growing up housing insecure to being rent burdened as a PhD student, means that housing affordability is personal. Nearly half of all Seattleites rent, but I will be only the second renter on the council. If we want to bring young talent to the city and help middle class families stay, we need to make housing affordable.