Jayapal: Myers is “a champion of workers’ rights with experience fighting for climate justice, victims of harassment, and evidence-based policy.”
SEATTLE – Today, Emily Myers, candidate for Seattle City Council District 4, announced she has been endorsed by Rep. Pramila Jayapal. The Congresswoman and long-time Seattle activist joins current Councilmembers Teresa Mosqueda and Lorena Gonzalez, State Senator Claire Wilson, State Representative Vandana Slatter, Port Commissioner Ryan Calkins, as well as the King County Democrats, the MLK Labor Council, SEIU 775, UFCW21, UAW4121, Unite Here Local 8, and countless community leaders in endorsing Emily Myers for City Council.
“It is an honor to be endorsed by my own congresswoman,” Ms. Myers stated. “Rep. Jayapal has been a voice of moral courage during this challenging time: fighting to protect immigrants, communities of color, and the most vulnerable in our country. Her support in this campaign means the world to me.”
“I’m incredibly grateful for Congresswoman Jayapal’s support and look forward to working with her to build more economic, racial, and social justice in our community.” Ms. Myers said.
Congresswoman Jayapal said of the endorsement: “I am proud to endorse Emily Myers for the position of District 4 City Councilmember. I have worked closely with Emily on union organizing campaigns, and know her to be a thoughtful and compassionate leader. Emily is a scientist and a champion of workers’ rights with experience fighting for climate justice, victims of harassment, and evidence-based policy. She also understands the clear need to protect the rights of immigrants and provide a clear racial equity lens in all her work. She will bring a data-driven, human-rights focused leadership to the Council.”
Emily Myers is a scientist studying Parkinson’s disease, a labor organizer, a founding member of the Seattle chapter of 500 Women Scientists, and a renter in Seattle’s 4th district. You can find a full list of endorsements and learn more about Emily Myers and her people-powered, data-driven campaign at EmilyforSeattle.com.